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January 4, 2011

Deal of the Day

I am an avid coupon clipper and bargain shopper. Not to mention I follow a few great money saving websites. My favorite is Penny Pinchin' Mom. Each day she gives me a wonderful update on coupons, deals, and samples. I love samples, it is like getting a small gift in my mailbox each day. While some samples are small, others are full-size samples of products.

Through recent talks with my mom, other family members, and various forums, I have come to realize that many people doubt the real savings you can accumulate through shopping with coupons. There is definitely money to be saved, but it requires you to be a smart shopper. While I consider myself to still be a beginner, I am definitely a believer and can provide proof through my savings on my groceries each week.

While I am not ready to provide wonderful, frequent updates like Penny Pinchin' Mom, I have decided to share with you my "Deal of the Day".

Today's Deal

I love cookbooks and anything recipe related. I eagerly flip through new magazines to the food section. The pictures always have me in awe. I also love to try new dishes, I find it challenging and quite honestly a lot of fun. My Granny has the most amazing cookbook collection. I wish I had a picture to show you just how expansive it really is. Her baker's rack is packed full and I know that it isn't her entire collection. One of my favorites on her shelf is her Taste of Home books. She has so many from throughout the years. I just ordered a yearly subscription to the Taste of Home magazine! How much did this cost me? Only $3.99. If you check this magazine out on the publisher's website, it costs $3.99 per issue. This is a major save for me. 12 issues for the price of 1! How did I do it? Research and of course help from my favorite saving site. If you want this deal please visit Penny Pinchin' Mom - Hot Magazine Deals.

1 comment:

  1. There are people in my husbands family who are avid couponers and deal finders. They can go to Publix grocery and they get paid or only pay $10 for $200 worth of groceries! You can save a lot of money doing these things.
