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January 26, 2011

Freebies for Me

I love freebies! There is always something exciting about opening your mailbox and receiving tons of little gifts. Each day I am on the lookout for freebies that catch my attention, spark my interest, and leave me anxiously checking the mailbox each day for their arrival.

Steps to follow for successful freebie sign ups

Setup a new email. Do not use your everyday email for freebies, your inbox will be flooded with unwanted emails. However, setting up an email that is just for freebies and coupons, is a great way to organize all of your savings into one neat inbox. I also make sure to check this email regularly and delete everything I don't need.

Check the source of your freebie. If it sounds too good to be true, trust your instincts. I only sign up for freebies from companies I know and trust.

Keep your eye out. Most great freebies show up and disappear before you can click your mouse. Remember, you aren't the only one wanting to score these amazing deals. Find a blogger you enjoy that gives updates on all freebies, I use Freebies 4 Mom. Following an avid deal watcher will give you the greatest advance and news on upcoming deals.

Keyword, freebies are free. Do not ever pay anything for a freebie, not even shipping. A true freebie does not require payment and be leery of any that do as this could be a scam for your credit card info.

According to Freebies 4 Mom, do not sign up for "trials". She says, "If you see the word “trial” then stop. Just don’t do it! I don’t recommend doing any free trials, because a free trial means you will be billed. Yes, they say you can cancel at anytime but many things can happen which will result in you still getting a bill. You typically see free trials for magazines. Don’t do free trials, there are lots of free samples of magazines available."

These are just some basic tips, if you would like to know more, I suggest reading "Be a Smart Freebie Finder".

Today's Freebies

Photo Courtesy of ASPCA.org
My favorite freebie for today is the Free Pet Safety Pack from the ASPCA.

"Help keep your pets safe with a free pet safety pack from the ASPCA! In the event of an emergency, our pet rescue window decal alerts rescue personnel that pets are inside your home. The safety pack also includes an ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center magnet—a great way to keep the APCC's toll-free emergency number and website address handy in case your pets get into something they shouldn’t!"- ASPCA.org

Want one for you sweet animals? Sign Up Here.

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