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March 31, 2011

I love my job because...

I love my job because I get to work on super cute projects like this one! I spend my days surrounded by a baby boy, a sweet husband, and 3 boy dogs...(plus a boy cat when he makes an appearance). So it is nice to be a little girly and work on mommy cards. I really like this one, enough to scratch the name on it and put my own on there!

March 29, 2011

Wait, is that Megean?

So just in case you are an All You reader, flip on over to page 33 this month. You will see yours truly, right there on the bottom of the page. Even if you aren't a fan of All You yet, stop by and get a copy, trust me it is WORTH it.

I am currently in love with....

Life has been busy, per my blog yesterday, however I have found a few new things to treat myself to in the few spare moments I have here and there.

Gigi's Cupcakes
Oh wow, talk about amazing! These little or rather big cupcakes go perfectly with mine and Spencer's new gym contract. Check out her website to find your nearest location, trust me it is completely worth it. http://gigiscupcakesusa.com/

Playtime with Huddy

I love all the new things Hudson is getting into. The age he is at is wonderful and so much fun. Lately, we have been turning the dining room table into a fort and playing under it. It entertains him and the dogs quite well.

John Frieda 3-Day Straight

March 27, 2011

Personally Yours

I am incredibly excited about one option we are exploring with The Individuality. Personally Yours is going to be a line for the average person, instead of focusing on businesses only. I love graphic design and feel like the elements that surround you every day should represent you. I am not a fan of "template" anything, I find it boring. I love picking up an item such as an invitation and immediately reconnecting with the individual that sent it to me.

We are definitely just testing the waters at this point with the Personally Yours line, but I am hoping that it picks up some attention and the orders start rolling in. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE working with businesses, but there is just a different approach when designing something for an individual.

The items we have planned for this line include a Mommy Essentials Kit, which I think could really be helpful on a daily basis. I am also really excited about the Children's Gift Tags! I have a set of these for Huddy and it makes things so much simpler than crowding into the card aisle to pick out the greeting card that more than likely will be pushed to the side at the party. So instead I attach a small business card size envelope on the gift instead.

Here is a sneak peak of the items that will be included:

Life Lately

I have officially throw in the towel on my 365 day project. I have missed too many days to count and there are just more important things on my plate right now. I created the blog for the purpose of the 365 project, so now I need to find a new path. The new path for the blog is going to be a journey of new life explorations, specifically in the respect of opening a company.

I have been working hard on launching my own company, The Individuality. I couldn't be more excited! I first decided I wanted to do something with graphic design when I was in high school, on yearbook staff. I wasn't sure exactly what my path would be, but the wonderful years at The University of Alabama cleared that up for me. I decided to pair my love of design with my love of coding websites. I love them in different ways and for different reasons, but really enjoy watching the two come together on a completed project.

Launching my own company was a VERY long term goal. I did not plan on even starting the process until after working in the field for at the very minimum of 5 years. However, the wonderful surprise of Huddy in 2009 began to change the plans I had in store for myself.

2010 was a year of ups and downs, but it felt like more downs than anything. Spencer's job situation was less than pleasant and down right difficult for a few months. I am thankful that we kept our head above water, although there are times I look back and I am not sure how exactly we did. A wonderful trip to Tuscaloosa to see friends one weekend, left us yearning for a change of pace and most of all a change of venue. Spencer put in ONE application and a week later, we were packing to relocate. The path back to Tuscaloosa was wonderful and scary all at the same time. I honestly had no clue what I would be doing once I arrived here. I did however know that I needed more time with my sweet baby boy.

I went on an interview that I honestly didn't want, but took because I was blessed with the opportunity. I said a prayer that if this wasn't the path God had in store for me, then to let it fall away. Well, it did and I have never been so happy for something to not work out. Spencer's new income left the door open for us to explore some options. With the urging of my husband and the encouragement of my family, I decided to transform my long term goal into a short term accomplishment.

Everything lately has felt like a whirlwind. Just days after deciding to go forward, we had a business license. Our projected opening date of April 1st is quickly approaching and thankfully we have already made a few wonderful contacts.

While I am in constant fear of my dream failing, what is the point of having  dream if you never try to accomplish it?

Check out The Individuality


Coming Soon!

March 18, 2011

Am I in college again??

I just realized I feel like I am in college again! Spending my nights up late with these guys....

March 15, 2011

The Individuality

Please take a moment to visit our new facebook page. The Individuality is not quite ready to launch, but we are ready to start spreading the word for the launch date.

The Individuality on Facebook

March 14, 2011

Time to play catch up!

I am so behind on my 365 photo project. However, it is completely worth it. I have been busy working on plans for my soon to open business, The Individuality. I promise I will play catch up though and post a ton of pictures when I have the chance.

March 12, 2011

My oh my..how we have changed!

My family is visiting Tuscaloosa today, and I couldn't be more excited! I began to think of the last time they were here and wow it has been a while. Our last time in Tuscaloosa together was my graduation today. That was almost 3 years ago! Life has changed so much in those 3 years. I was browsing pictures from that weekend and realized that my little brother is really growing up. It makes me sad and proud at the same time.

Here is a picture of us from his last trip to Tuscaloosa.

March 9, 2011

Day 68

My poor blog is feeling neglected, however it is completely worth it. I have been super busy with a couple of different projects this week. So for now, just snapshots from my phone.

Day 67

Day 66

March 6, 2011

Day 65

Day 64

Spencer and I have made it a game to find the best deals on our groceries and meat tends to be the most fun. We found a great buy on pork tenderloin a couple of weeks ago at Sam's. We had wonderful plans to cook at least one meal of these on the new grill, but the rain yesterday kept that from happening.

Instead of cooking the same old recipes ALL the time, I really enjoy finding something new to try. Some recipes are great and others not so much. This one was definitely a keeper!

Pork Tenderloin With Honeyed Butter


  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 1/2 pounds pork tenderloin, trimmed of silver skin
  • Salt and pepper (after reading the comments I opted for Garlic Salt instead)
  • 1/4 cup water

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a Dutch oven or ovenproof skillet, heat butter and honey over medium heat, stirring to melt butter. Season pork with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper, and place in pan. Cook until underside is lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Turn pork, and cook until other side is browned, about 5 minutes more. Lower the heat if the honey begins to burn.
  2. Put pan in the oven, and roast until pork is just cooked through, 7 to 10 minutes. Transfer pork to a plate.
  3. Add water to the pan, and stir over medium heat to scrape up all the browned bits. Add any accumulated pork juices from the plate, and simmer until sauce is reduced to about 1/2 cup. Slice pork on the diagonal, and serve drizzled with sauce.

Original Recipe

March 4, 2011

I ♥ Pandora

I am an addict of pandora.com. I usually use up the 40 free hours allowed per month, well before the month is over. Tonight I am listening to the "Jack Johnson Station" and let me tell you, it is a good one. I often find myself tuning into it when I am in need of some design inspiration and just need to just relax. It has once again proven to be a faithful friend. Back to back songs caught my attention, one which is new to me and the other which often reappears in my life.

Losing Keys by Jack Johnson

If you haven't heard this song, give it a chance and listen to the lyrics. His lyrics always speak to me at times when I need them most, and this song is no exception.

Amber by 311

I love this song and for that matter most of 311's work. I first heard this song years ago, in high school. It reminds me of a great friendship from that time in my life, not because of the lyrics but for the great times spent listening to it. In the age of burning cds (wow that seems like so long ago) this song always seemed to find its way onto almost every compilation.

Day 63

I love new books! I ordered this one a couple of days ago on Amazon, and was quite happy when it arrived. Well, other than the fact the UPS guy pulled up in the yard and threw it from the truck to the front door! I am honestly excited about reading this one though, I am at a point in my life where I am ready to make my own personal dreams come true. I feel like I have been blessed with an opportunity to choose my next path, so my long term goal is now being transitioned into a short term goal. Wish me luck and look for a very new exciting adventure from the Knight household in April!

March 3, 2011

Day 62

I have read so many posts on facebook about Gigi's Cupcakes and I have really been wanting to try it. Spencer laughed at me because I did "research" before we went, but trust me this girl loves desserts and didn't want to hold the line up choosing between two obviously wonderful choices. I am definitely a fan after my purchase today. I opted for the Chocolate Salted Caramel and wow it was amazing. Check out http://gigiscupcakesusa.com/ to find a location in your area or to do a little flavor research before you next trip!

Coming Soon...

March 1, 2011

You Can Help!!

You can help spread the word of this wonderful non-profit organization honoring Wyatt.
Please feel free to download this image from blog and distribute as needed.

Visit on Facebook:

I love logos and photography...

As a designer, perhaps my very favorite item to work on is a logo. There is something about it that just makes me all giddy and excited. I love playing with the letters and switching out the colors. I also love watching a logo become the identity of a company. You can ask Spencer, long drives are turned into opportunities to point out great logos and well not so great ones too.

Not only do I love logos, I love photography, whether I am behind the camera or admiring the image the artist has captured with their lens. This particular logo was actually designed a few months back, but finalized this week. The best part, it not only brings out my love of logo design, but it is for a photography business!This woman is super busy being a great mom to her baby girl, a full time accountant, and starting her own business! Sounds a like a full plate, but trust me she has the dedication to make it all come to life.

I am looking forward to working on more marketing materials with her in the near future and excited to see her business expand, and hopefully find time to have her take some shots of Huddy. I was going to wait to share her logo until after I had sent her disk out, but I was just too excited after working on her logo package. Please enjoy and check out her blog and portfolio.

Day 59

I missed this baby so much! He stayed with his NannyJ, Papa D, and Uncle Jacob while we were vising Mobile. I am pretty sure he kept them on their toes and made his Papa D's weekend, by learning and constantly saying "Papa".

Day 58

Every trip to this city leaves me loving it that much more. I love the antiquity and the charm that each new street corner brings. Spencer and I seriously contemplated relocating to Mobile for a while, and if Huddy weren't in the picture we would probably do it. We just can't stand the thought of being that far from family, but weekend trips always leave me wanting more.

Day 57

I was doing so great by not missing a day, however, a trip out of town kept me from my blog for a few days. It is ok though, it was completely worth it! I am not going to elaborate about the trip too much on Day 57, but will give more details in a blog coming soon!