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January 25, 2011

Is this really work?

I love my job.
I couldn't have picked a better major in college
 or a better career path to follow.

After spending two wonderful years mostly working on websites (check out UnlocktheWeb), I have been enjoying the past couple of months exploring more of a print style. The newest project I am working on incorporates my love of print layouts with the convenience of the click of a mouse.

"Chiropractic Patient Care is the industry’s newest and most unique
media platform for patient retention and education. "

So you ask..what is my job? After receiving an article, I am able to creatively dive into it. Each article brings out a different feeling and vibe. My favorite part is deciding on the creative display for the title. I treat each one almost as a logo, choosing a font is the best part (look for an upcoming blog concerning typography, which I adore). From there, I choose photos to go with the article. Once the articles are completed, I take the magazine into an amazing program and turn it into a magazine. Users are able to flip the pages, zoom in on specific elements, search the entire document, and print off a copy.

Samples from past editions

Each cover is unique to the edition and the doctor or client who purchases a subscription. I really enjoy this process of turning a magazine into a tool for a specific client, each one is the same and different at the same time.

Logo Love

January brought the excited addition of two new magazines. I was so excited to be work on these from the very start. I love working on logos, it is probably my favorite part of being a graphic designer. I really enjoying working the concepts of logos for the three new magazines. One of which, might be my all time favorite logo design.


I am looking forward to exploring new design concepts
and watching this company grow.

Want to see more?
You can check out the current editions of all three magazines here:

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