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January 8, 2011

I'm dreaming of...

I am dreaming of cookbooks. As I mentioned in a previous blog my Granny has an amazing cookbook collection. I would love to someday have a collection as expansive as hers. Of course she has a few years on me, but as you flip through the pages of her collection you can really see the love she has put into it over the years. Perhaps my favorite part of browsing her books is finding her little bookmarks. I always happen upon them and the tattered edges always cause me to smile. I know these pages have captured her attention, more than once.

My collection is still very small, actually incredibly small, I only have two cookbooks. This isn't a new interest for me, but it is an interest that I am just now beginning to explore. As a mom and a wife, I love cooking for my boys. It brings joy to my heart to watch them smile as I pull a pan of cookies out of the oven.

I am going to share with you my favorite cookbook, The $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook by Erin Chase. I seriously love this book. It is packed full of tips on how to save on your shopping trips, use coupons wisely, and overall how to effectively set a menu for your family.

Cookbookcover The $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook
(photo courtesy of http://www.5dollardinners.com)

Here is my challenge to you. If you are reading my blog and you love cookbooks, leave me a comment of your favorite cookbook. I am excited about starting my cookbook collection. I am only 24 and by the time I am my Granny's age, I hope to have a collection like hers. That gives me a little over 50 years of collecting.


  1. My favorites are all my rachael ray ones.. Even if you don't like watching her the cookbooks are great.. If I had to pick one I'd pick the Big Orange Book, but her new one Look and Cook is good if your new to cooking, it has tons of step by step pictures.

  2. Thank you! Huddy loves Rachael Ray, he actually has a weird obsession with her. I think this happened from watching her with his Gran-V everyday. I will look into those, thanks for the suggestion.

  3. My favorites are my Southern Living Cookbooks (I have several) or my Paula Deen Cookbooks (Also have several of these. I do have quite a collection going, but love adding to it! I AM my Mother's daughter :)
    Aunt Valerie
