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July 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Huddy

I can't believe how quickly two years of  life rushed by for my little family.

On July 27, 2009, my life forever changed as I welcomed my son into the world. After many, many hours of labor, Huddy decided to join us. He scared the doctor, the nurses, his daddy and his mom that day. I will never forget the doctor counting to three after my final push and waiting on that cry. It was the scariest moment in my life as they rushed my sweet baby to a table on the far side of the room and finally I heard him cry. Hudson was born with his cord wrapped around his neck three times and was extra "smurfy" blue. I will never forget his daddy bouncing, literally bouncing around the room in joy after that first cry.

The first few moments were almost unreal I was so elated and I also remember the excitement on our families faces as they entered the room. Huddy immediately knew my mom's voice when she spoke. It amazed me in those first few hours how quickly his personality began to shine.

The past two years of my life have brought surprises, fear, excitement, joy, anger, laughter and above all a love that I didn't know I was capable of feeling. Huddy keeps his mum (this is what he is currently calling me) on her toes. He is such an amazing little boy and holds a special place in so many hearts. He lights up a room and has the ability to bring laughter when it is most needed. I love him more than I know how to explain.

Now for a few highlights of the past two years through pictures....and trust me he has had a few pictures made haha

Last Belly Picture

Holding Huddy for the first time
very proud daddy

1st Birthday, 1st Haircut

scariest day EVER

Courtesy of Keep Me Photography by Sherry Hodge

courtesy of AshleyPricePhotography.com

I could add pictures for days of Huddy but all of these jumped out to me today. I miss my little baby but I love my little boy even more each day. Each day brings a new milestone and each milestone is just as exciting as the last. So I am ready for his year of being 2 :)

July 18, 2011

headband love :)

I found an amazing headband tutorial...here: Happy Together

I love the look of these and the pictures just really show off her work! Amazing!

I decided to give it a test run with a simple style on round one. I was unsure of how I would like the fit and didn't want to waste too much fabric if I didn't like it.

Well, let's just say... I LOVE it! Unlike other headbands, it does not hurt my head at all. It is super comfy and even Spencer thought it looked great on me.

It is a winner in my book and new color/fabrics mixes are in the works.

Enjoy! And check out her other posts, I  have been inspired by every single one I read.

July 2, 2011

A bag for Crisbee.

First off, let me introduce you to Crisbee. We adopted Crisbee from Lu & Ed a couple of months ago and he is now one of Huddy's favorite stuffed critters.

Crisbee hangs out in Huddy's bed most of the day, but as of lately he has been found in various locations around the house. He also seems to be quite the cover hog and I have recently found him hiding under my pillow. Spencer and I decided that he must go on our 4th of July adventure with Huddy.

After making the seersucker shorts yesterday, I decided Huddy needed a matching bag. It did not take long in my internet search to find the perfect candidate.

Finding quiet time to sew in this house is not easy, so I grabbed a couple of early Saturday morning hours to complete this task. Overall, I am in love with the outcome. As always, there is room for improvement, but I love this little bag. It is just the size of Huddy's back and Crisbee fits snugly inside.

Front with pocket
back with stretchy straps

Crisbee hanging out.

Want a monster of your own? Visit Lu & Ed online!

Like this bag, grab the tutorial here: http://sewingdork.blogspot.com/2010/09/simple-toddler-backpack-tutorial.html

seersucker makes my heart happy.

There is something simple, classic, and well just wonderful about seersucker. I absolutely love to dress Huddy in it and decided his summer wardrobe was definitely missing something in this very summer friendly fabric.

I made my first trip to Hancock Fabrics a few weeks ago. Overall, my trip was quite the letdown, but their amazing corporate team contacted me and resolved this issue. If you ever have an issue with local Hancock customer service, do not hesitate to take your comments higher up, the corporate staff is incredibly friendly, understanding and well ready to resolve issues.

My first trip ended with a couple of great finds. I have great plans for the pirate fabric thanks to a wonderful suggestion and guidance from my Aunt Valerie. The seersucker already had shorts written all over it when I picked it up that day.

After my shopping trip I found little time to devote to my plans until tonight. The seersucker was crying out to be made into an adorable pair of shorts for Huddy. I tried a tutorial for flat front shorts when I first got my machine and it turned out ok. I decided to try it once again and the results were quite better.

I of course still have miles to go in learning to sew, but improvement is already showing up in my work. I can't wait to try these on my little man.



The amazing tutorial for these shorts can be found here: http://www.dana-made-it.com/2011/05/kid-shorts-free-pattern-and-tutorial.html

I am in love with this blog and can't wait to try out many more of her patterns.